Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What to do When Transponder Key is Lost

Anytime a key is lost; emotions go through the proverbial roof! This is especially true for car keys. A thousand questions go through your head, some of them all at once. What if someone finds my key; what then? Where did I last see it? Was I careless or am I the subject of a crime? Will someone steal my car? How much will this cost me? Then the realization hits you; it wasn’t just a car key; it was a transponder key! Now, your “problem” just got worse; or did it? The very reason that lost transponder keys are a headache is why they are so successful; they are hard to duplicated and expensive to program and copy.

Have you lost your transponder key?

It’s not hard to do. You set your keys down and when you return for them; they are not there. Often, these keys are just misplaced but sometimes, they can be stolen, mistakenly picked up by others, and even dropped by children and pets into gutters, and toilets, etc.! Here at Locksmith Douglasville we deal with lost and missing transponder keys on a regular basis. We know the best ways to get new keys and what you should or should not do when yours are missing. If you don’t live here in the Douglasville, GA region, we still offer good advice on what to do in your home town.

How can I tell if my car keys are transponder or not?

How old is your car? Are you driving a vintage 57 Chevy? If so, you don’t have to be concerned about transponder keys. If your car is newer, say 1995 or beyond, there’s a good chance your keys are of the transponder variety. This is not a bad thing. Since transponders have become mainstream car theft has rapidly declined. This is because it’s no longer easy to steal someone’s car key, have it duplicated and then steal the car. Have you ever taken a shed key or a padlock key to a local mail center or home improvement store that makes keys? The clerk there can turn out a new key for you in mere minutes and at a tiny cost, too. In fact, most gas stations, convenience stores and mail centers offer this service. As you can see, key duplicating is easy, fast and very inexpensive; unless that key is a transponder chip key!

Why transponders are a big deal

The word transponder means to transmit. Your key is in actuality a transmitter of sorts. It has a chip embedded in its head that is programmed to match your car’s onboard computer. No other key has that chip and if a different key is used, the car will simply not recognize the signal and the car will not start. If duplicating transponder keys were an affordable task and easy to do, there would be no point in having them. Only designated car dealerships and full service automotive locksmith shops can make a transponder key duplicate and program them to match your car. The car dealer way is time consuming, expensive and usually requires the added cost and hassle of using a tow truck to get your car to the service shop.

Lost transponder keys

There are some little known alternatives to getting a new transponder key. Some people try and order a new one online. They hope to save money and time by doing so. Sadly, these keys never work correctly or for very long. It’s one of life’s most basic rules; don’t take short cuts. These online transponder keys have another problem; no refunds. The companies touting these worthless keys offer full refunds if they don’t work; but in almost all cases, the refund boast is never honored. Time, money and nerves are now spent when a legitimate transponder key could have been made in as little as a day.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Watch Our Video and Learn How We Can Help You Now!

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Locksmith Douglasville has an amazing team of locksmiths in Douglasville, Georgia. Our locksmiths are reliable, professional and they are very knowledgeable about the locksmith industry. Why don’t you give us a call? You can call us at (770) 544-1047. 

If you are looking for a residential, commercial or automotive locksmith, you can get one from Locksmith Douglasville. All our services are affordable too and we have some of the most effective lock solutions. 

If you want more information about us, visit our website at www.locksmithdouglasville.com
Or call us at (770)544-1047

Need a locksmith in Douglasville? Call us at Locksmith Douglasville!

Monday, August 14, 2017


WRITTEN BY: Motorhead Mama - JUNE 18, 2017

Getting your call stolen is awful. And with modern technology, you’d think we were all a bit safer, right? But sadly, thieves are now using technology to advance their game.

Last year, police discovered that thieves had been using laptops to break into Jeeps, starting them remotely and driving away before owners even know they were gone:

More recently, a pair of Chinese hackers released a $11 key fob hacking device that is cheaper and more effective than the laptop method. In fact, the hackers claim that their product can duplicate fobs from over 1,000 feet away.

Here’s the incredibly depressing video: 

But listen up, people: All is not lost! Don’t be freaked out by this seemingly protection proof technology. Here are a few cheap, smart, low-fi ways to ensure that you’re not a victim of a high-tech car snatcher:

1. Don't drive something people want to steal.
This is a good start. Of course most assailants want to steal Jeeps and pickup trucks. Between the underground resale market and chop shops, it’s a slam dunk. But if you’re rocking an early model Prius or a well worn minivan, they’re not going to even try. 
Image source: drivingline.com

2. Put family stick figures on your ride.
If your car is cool, consider this even simpler solution. These hackers may be clever and sneaky, but they still have egos.  They sure as hell don’t want their homies thinking they like to play golf or have a wife that loves tennis more than stealing cars. Embarrassing? Yup. Effective? You betcha.

Image source: drivingline.com
3. Buy a manual transmission.
Another proven way to dissuade car crooks, particularly the young ones. If they can’t drive it, they can’t steal it. And let’s face it, if they can’t drive a stick, they really don’t deserve to steal it. Plus, watching them try would be hilarious. Your clutch may take a beating, but in the long run, it’d be worth it for the laughs.

4. Leave something scary in your car.
Like a police badge or a tampon. In my experience, young people also tend to run at the sight of dirty dishes or laundry that needs folding. But if they think you’re either a fed or a woman with her monthly curse, they’ll likely run away fast too.

If all else fails:

5. Keep your car insured.
Yeah, it sucks to have your car stolen. But somehow you’ll probably feel much better when your insurance company writes you a big fat check and tell you to go car shopping. That will make you feel much better, quickly. So don’t be scared, fob hacking may be real but so is stealing cars with paper clips. If we give in, they win.


Related article: How To Prevent Car Theft

Click Here if you need assistance in making sure that your car is theft proof.  Other assistance include high security sidewinder, transponder chip keys, car alarms and so much more.